Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I love Mike Fisher

Not every day. But this article (“Shame on You”) should be required reading for Mavericks fans.


JKnott said...

that was a great article

Anonymous said...

Kind of makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it?

micah said...

I agree. We don't need wholesale changes. A little tweeking. I think we need to find a real 2 guard and JET and Devin need to work on their passing. Dirk on his low post game. We were awesome all year...except against Golden State.

Jeremy said...

Some of us first noticed the Mavs have no heart during the NBA finals a year ago.

I think Dirk should stay, but he doesn't have what it takes to carry a championship team.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's official: Dirk is the MVP. Now let the mocking begin.

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe not official, but ESPN has sources saying the votes are going that way.

scoots said...

What do you mean, “begin”?

I’d say the mockery should be for how he played in the playoffs, not for the fact that he’s winning MVP––which, I maintain, he completely earned.

JKnott said...

Anyone who mocks Dirk might as well stamp their foreheads with the word "idiot." We can disagree until the cows come home about the definition of the MVP award. But to mock someone for getting it when he was clearly the best player on clearly the best team IN THE REGULAR SEASON is asinine, because then you are saying that that player ought not even to be considered.

One could also argue that the MVP award OUGHT to be awared to the person who does the best in the playoffs and regular season combined. Fine. But they don't do it that way. That's not what the award is for. And if they did that, they should do away with the finals MVP award.

Finally, anyone who mocks Dirk for this but does NOT mock Nash for winning it two years in a row when his team couldn't beat Dallas or San Antonio either of those years is being a hypocrite.

Besides, give the guy a break. He never said he was MVP. Mock the voters if you must. But Dirk's a class act and deserves this award. Even if he deserves some criticism for his playoff performance! Because those are different issues. Those who can't see that are the ones who deserve mocking.

JKnott said...

Sorry, Scott; I wrote that before I saw your post.

And of course, Phoenix beat Dallas in '05. But didn't beat San Antonio. So the point stands. For all we know, if Dallas had played Phoenix or SA this postseason, they would have beat them. But GS was just a good matchup.

Jeremy said...

When it comes to Dirk winning the MVP, any mocking is redundant. The absurdity speaks for itself.